Our Programs Areas

Our programs focus on improving education, health, and community empowerment, driving impactful change through innovative solutions and partnerships that create lasting benefits for children and communities across Tanzania.

Our Focus Areas


Geared to address key educational priorities for ensuring access, equity, and quality education for all children, with a particular focus on literacy, numeracy, and early childhood education.

Key Areas:

Health and Nutrition

Focuses on improving the health and well-being of individuals, especially children/ students and adolescents, through direct services and interventions that promote healthy lifestyles, hygiene, and mental health.

Key Areas:

Community Awareness, Empowerment and Engagement

This Public outreach initiatives aim to raise awareness about the state of education in Tanzania. This includes working with parents, teachers, and community leaders to promote the importance of education and ensure that children are supported in learning environments.

Key Areas:

Advocacy, Policy Engagement and Influence

This initiatives base on collaboration and partners engagement such governments, education stakeholders, and communities to advocate for improved education policies based on data-driven insights. 

Key Areas

Innovation and Technology in Education

Focuses on leveraging technology to enhance educational outcomes, improve access to learning resources, and build a more tech-savvy education system.

Key Areas:


Uwezo is a member of Tanzania Education Network/Mtandao wa Elimu Tanzania (TENMET), Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI) network comprising over 70 organizations in East Africa, People Action for Learning (PAL) Network a south-south partnership of 17 organizations, Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN).

Uwezo partner with Government and over 360 CSOs operating in Tanzania working in the education sector to expand its reach, ensuring program sustainability and amplify impact.

Our Strategic Partners

Our Donors

Help us transform education and empower communities in Tanzania.